Our Goal

"Understanding Multiplication of Exponents"
To create an instructional sequence (a.k.a. lesson plan) featuring:
- different models to present the concept
- select problems to facilitate student understanding
- explanations to bring about student understanding
- common student misconceptions
- ways to address misconceptions
- connections to real world experiences
- connections among mathematical ideas

Lesson Plan for Junior-High School Exponents

Lesson Plan for Junior-High School Exponents
A concept-map of multiplication of exponents

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Student Misconceptions

Common mistakes that students make ...
Multiplying base and exponent
Applying distributive law on exponents
Anything to the power of "zero" is 0
Scientific Notation! A negative on an exponent and a negative on a number (are they the same?)
Equating a negative on an exponent and a negative on a number are equal
Don't make these mistakes ...

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